I lost my mother to multiple medical errors and hospital-acquired infections in 2004. Her story is on our website on the 'about us' page at: www.nhpatientvoices.org
I have spoken to medical students on the need for transparency and full, open and compassionate disclosure of medical errors. I've spoken to patient advocates, heath policy and public health leaders, and the media about the need for death certificate reform. And I've spoken to patient safety activists, the media and health policy professionals on the topic of maternity care and patient safety.
I'm a registered nurse and former maternal-child health nurse for sixteen years before becoming active in patient safety.
I have worked in my state to propose and help pass 4 patient safety laws (infection reporting, adverse event reporting, funding for the infection reporting law, and a amendments to a maternal mortality review panel). I have testified before NH legislative committees on several bills relating to patient safety, health care quality and costs since 2005.
I serve on our state (NH) Healthcare Associated Infection Technical Advisory Workgroup and AHRQ's Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Council for the New England Region. I also served on the CDC/OHCQ's committee that developed the HAI training and prevention video 'Partnering to Heal', along with other committees and workgroups for the CDC's HAI/MRSA/and Safe Injection Practices programs.