Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of three, I have been a Type 1 Diabetic for 30+ years. I am a husband, a father, a businessman, an endurance athlete and a Diabetes advocate. Despite all the media hype indicating otherwise, I am positive proof that one can live a happy, healthy and progressive life as a responsible and aware Type 1 Diabetes.
I fight to spread the word against "doom & gloom" within the Diabetic Community by acting locally with JDRF, nationally with Insulindependence, as well as online via the Diabetic Social Media (DSM) community. My profile is accessible on the Insulindependence.org website or you can learn more about my personal at my website: www.repthebetes.com (Adventures of a Diabetic Athlete). I can also be followed on Twitter @aaronjaffe.