On the personal front my stories have been published in the Journal of Participatory Medicine. These relate to my own patient-experiences with cancer and kidney stones and their impact on my Participatory journey and mission. Still to be told are my patient experiences with Asthma and GI. While themselves not always positive, outcomes have always been positive. It is my belief that one of the key messages to impart in Participatory Medicine is re-assurance/reinforcement that it's a journey, with lots of learning along the way - including learning about oneself.
On the professional front, in 1993, I began producing hospital-based patient education television networks, with content based on the patient experience and patient and family involvement. Two program streams, Healthtv and The Parent Channel broadcast in many teaching hospitals across North America. These productions brought me face to face with patients and families, determining their educational, emotional and practical needs and, subsequently, filling identified gaps.
Many of my educational titles have been evaluated pre and post viewing, with results showing statistically significant improvements in all factors measured, including improved knowledge, increased self-confidence, increased motivation to change behavior.
I am delighted to be an invited speaker and participant at healthcare conferences, National Round Tables, Health Think Tanks, forums and conferences and have conducted workshops, lectures and plenary sessions at international healthcare communications symposia in Canada and the U.S.
Examples of Educational Initiatives
Pain Management
Infection prevention
Medication safety
Health Literacy
Cardiology: Hypertension
Oncology: Radiation, Nutrition, Anti-emetics
Neurology: Stroke Rehab
Geriatrics: Nutrition
Depression: Post-partum, general population
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (CICH, CPS, SIDS Foundation)
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Immunization (National Immunization Coalition)
Well-baby visit
Cognitive development
Infant bathing (COGNN and AWHONN)
Examples of Impact
• Goal: Raise awareness of Federal Regular's Internet broadcast product
Client: Food and Drug Administration
Objective: Increase utilization of internet resource
Initiative: Identify and research new markets;
Develop communications and uptake strategy designed to grow market
Results: 80% increase in users 50% increased use
• Goal: Marry accreditation requirements with patient needs
Client: Internal
Objective: Develop communications strategy to support hospitals accreditation needs;
Create communication piece to satisfy patients needs
Initiative: Marketing strategy to ensure buy-in and peer-promotion by key stakeholders and thought leaders at hospitals, advocacy groups, and accrediting body;
Create an educational tool for patients and healthcare professionals
Result: Impact survey indicated statistically significant results in key areas
• Goal: Prove effectiveness of hospital-based marketing strategies
Clients: George Washington University Hospital (DC),
Kaleida Healthcare System (NY), University of Maryland Medical Center (MD)
Objective: Determine impact of product utilization promotion strategy
Initiative: Develop and execute of marketing campaign;
Design and facilitate presentations and seminars;
Direct survey instrument development to evaluate impact.
Results: 99% surveyed said campaign increased awareness and knowledge of the product; 99% Will direct patients and support persons to the product; 92% Believe product meets JCAHO accreditation standards