I am an advocate for the use of electronic health records (EHR) because I know the value it brings to the patient experience. Ten years ago, my husband David was diagnosed with primary brain cancer. He was one of the earlier VA patients to experience the use of VISTA the VA's EHR. Our neurosurgeons in Portland were able to send the Dr. in NC all of David's treatment information electronically reducing the time to form a treatment plan from weeks to days. That is where the blessing of EHR and interoperability come into play. Health information technology helped David to beat the odds and live five years, not the typical two years.
I now work to bring understanding about Meaningful Use, health information technology, and health information exchange. MU and HIE because I know that the purpose is not to burden the physician, but it is to free the patient. Healthcare is moving towards a collaborative relationship between physician and patient. It is no longer the doctor saying "Because I am the doctor and I said so" to patients saying, "This is my life, let's work together to get me the best care possible." The tide is changing, and I love that!